Below you can find a list of selected publications authored or co-authored by Lake (Janne S. Laine), in reverse chronological order under various categories: Articles published in scientific journals, papers presented in scientific and other conferences, research reports and white papers, academic theses, as well as texts and photographic works published in magazines and other media. Where possible, a link to the full text of the article is provided, along with presentation slides in the case of conference papers. (More direct PDF links to be added).
Other listings of my publications can be found here:
Articles in Scientific Journals
Laine, J., & Leppänen, T. (2016). Experimental comparison of the user experiences of different digital and printed newspaper versions. Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, 5(2), 107 – 132. ISSN 2223-8905. DOI 10.14622/JPMTR-1603. UDC 070.1 | (054) | (0.034.2)-028.25
Nurmi, O., Laine, J., & Kuula, T. (2014). Narrative engagement and reading performance on digital and printed platforms. Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, 3(3), 187 – 194. ISSN 2223-8905. UDC 655.1:004.
Mensonen, A., Aikala, M., Laine, J., & Seisto, A. (2012). Consumer perception of printed point-of-purchase displays. Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, 1(4), 205-213. ISSN 2223-8905. UDC 655.3.066.23:658.8.013.
Laine, J. S. (2003). Adapting softcopy color reproduction to ambient illumination. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 11(2), 359-369. ISSN 1071-0922. DOI: 10.1889/1.1825667
Conference Papers
Laine, J. (2015). Experimental comparison of the user experiences of different digital and printed newspaper versions. Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol. XLII(II): Proceedings of the 42nd International Research Conference of iarigai, Helsinki, Finland, September 2015, 295 – 304.
Nurmi, O., Laine, J., & Kuula, T. (2014). Narrative engagement and reading performance on digital and printed platform. In: Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol. XLI: Proceedings of the 41st International Research Conference of iarigai in Swansea, United Kingdom, September 2014. International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Arts Industries (iarigai), 161.
Laine, J., Kuula, T. (2013). Digital social reading services: needs and values of Finnish readers. Deconstructing Media Convergence Conference at the ICT&S Center at University of Salzburg, Austria, 21 – 23 November 2013.
Mensonen, A., Laine, J., Ylén, P. (2013). A novel methodology for improved data quality in consumer surveys. 10th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11 – 15 August 2013.
Mensonen, A., Laine, J., Seisto, A. (2012). Brand experience as a tool for brand communication in multiple channels. In: Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol. XXXVII: Proceedings of the 39th International Research Conference of iarigai in Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2012. International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Arts Industries (iarigai), 321 – 328.
Mensonen, A., Aikala, M., & Laine, J. S. (2010). Multisensory evaluation of paper products. In: Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol. XXXVII: Proceedings of the 37th International Research Conference of iarigai in Montreal, Canada, September 2010. International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Arts Industries (iarigai), 41 – 46.
Laine, J., Leppänen, T., Nurmi, O. (2010). The influence of special effects on the perception of printed products. Advances in Printing and Media Technology. Vol. XXXVII: Proceedings of the 37th International Research Conference of iarigai in Montreal, Canada, September 2010. International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Arts Industries (iarigai), 47 – 54.
Laine, J., Rusko, E., Arvola, A., Pajukanta, J., Nurmi, O. (2010) Computer-displayed images in the subjective assessment of visual packaging designs, Advances in Printing and Media Technology. Vol. XXXVII: Proceedings of the 37th International Research Conference of iarigai. Montreal, Canada, Sept. 2010. International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Arts Industries (iarigai). Darmstadt, Germany (2010), 55 – 60
Laine, J., Leppänen, T., Nurmi, O. (2009). Perception of printed special effects. Advances in Printing and Media Technology. Vol. XXXVI: Proceedings of the 36th International Research Conference of iarigai in Stockholm, Sweden, September 2009. International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Arts Industries (iarigai), 91 – 97.
Saari, J., Laine, J., Dimmick, A., Mueller, K. (2008). Effect of Coating Pigment Choice on Printed Color Gamut, PaperCon 08 International Paper Conference. Dallas, TX, USA, 4 – 7 May 2008, 22
Laine, J. (2007). An evaluation of colour differences and tolerances in soft proofing, Advances in Printing and Media Technology. Vol. XXXIV: Proceedings of the 34th International Research Conference of iarigai. Grenoble, France, Sept. 2007. International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Arts Industries (iarigai), 153 – 162.
Laine, J., Koivumäki, K., Leppänen, T. (2006). Colour tolerances in contract proofing, Advances in Printing and Medial Technology. Vol. XXXIII: Proceedings of the 33rd International Research Conference of iarigai. Leipzig, Germany, Sept. 2006. International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Arts Industries (iarigai), 389 – 398
Laine, J., Heikkilä, I., Nurmi, O. (2005). Closed loop control of inking in newspaper presses, Advances in Printing and Medial Technology. Vol. XXXII: Proceedings of the 33rd International Research Conference of iarigai.. Porvoo, Finland, 4 – 7 Sept. 2005. IARIGAI, VTT. Espoo (2005), 197 – 210.
Laine, J. & Kojo, M. (2004). A colour adjustment application for MHP terminals. Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Interactive Television: Enhancing the Experience. Brighton, UK, 31 March – 4 April 2004. University of Brighton, 186 –190.
Laine, J. (2002). Experiments on Adaptive Soft-Copy Color Reproduction, Proceedings of the 10th Color Imaging Conference. Scottsdale, AZ, US, 12 – 15 Nov. 2002. The Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T), 190-195.
Laine, J., & Saarelma, H. (2000). Illumination-Based Color Balance Adjustments, Proceedings of the 8th Color Imaging Conference. Scottsdale, AZ, US, 7 – 10 Nov. 2000 The Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T), 202 – 206.
Research Reports, Book Chapters, White papers, and Such.
Laine, J., Kymäläinen, T., Hyväkkä, J., & Kaasinen, E. (2017). Data visualizations to support decision-making. In Towards a new era in manufacturing: Final report of VTT’s For Industry spearhead programme (pp. 175-182). VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
Kaasinen, E., Kymäläinen, T., & Laine, J. (2017). Digitalization and future industrial knowledge work. In Towards a new era in manufacturing: Final report of VTT’s For Industry spearhead programme (pp. 169-174). VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
Laine, J., Parviainen, P., & Bilasco, I. M. (2015). Guidelines for the Design of Empathic Products. Project report D2. 3 for the Empathic Products project.
Helle, M., Ravaja, N., Heikkilä, H., Kallenbach, J., Kankainen, A., Kätsyri, J., Laine, J. & Marghescu, D. (2011). A theoretical model of media experience and research methods for studying it. Project report for Next Media–a TIVIT Programme, 12-14.
Laine, J., & Kojo, M. (2004). Illumination-adaptive control of color appearance: a multimedia home platform application. Research Report TTE4-2004-4, VTT Information Technology.
Academic Theses
Laine, J. S. (2018). From visual perception to user experience: Measurement & modeling. Aalto University publication series Doctoral Dissertations 205/2018. Helsinki, 2018. 207p. ISBN 978-952-60-8249-3. ISSN 1799-4942.
Laine, J. (1999). Värikuvan käsittely lähdetiedon pohjalta / Color image processing based on source information. Master’s Thesis. Helsinki University of Technology. Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering. 80 p. In Finnish.